Sunday, August 31, 2008

Don't I Know You?

When the news first came out that Sarah Palin was chosen as McCain's running mate, I thought she looked familiar. I hadn't ever heard of her, and still know very little about her, but I have figured out why she looks familiar. That would be, uh, tv. And movies. Of other people.
Sarah Palin:
Megan Mullally:

Maybe this is a good thing. Because if McCain is elected (which would be a crushing blow), and then expires before his four year term is over (which I am not saying I want to happen), and Palin becomes president (??), then maybe her body double could stand in, or be next in line for the job. Because, at this point, I would endorse Megan Mullally on her acting abilities alone over the real politicians on the Republican side of things.

Plus, Sarah also looks a little like Jennifer Gray, when she played Ferris Bueller's older sister. So we have a big safety net.


Unknown said...

I agree on voting for Megan!

Christine said...

It's only one triple bypass and one bear attack away!