Saturday, June 28, 2008

David Duchovny, hover above me

Ever hear that song with the lyrics about David Duchovny (David Duchovny, why don't you love me? David Duchovny, hovering above me, etc.)? It's by Bree Sharp, apparently, and she made a video, too. Didn't see it at the time, but it's worth watching until the end to see Jerry Springer (?!). I remember the song resonated with me, mostly because I thought it was hilarious, but I did enjoy watching the first season of X-Files with my then-boyfriend on Friday night (or whenever it was). I think we had just gotten a tv after a long stretch without. We may have found it with a "free" sign on the side of the road, and we certainly didn't get more than a channel or two, but watching something kind of freaky and scary about a hot FBI agent named Fox as the love interest was pretty good stuff.

Had a little David Duchovny flashback earlier this week when Netflix sent me Californication. His character is a little rougher and older in this one, no fresh-pressed suits and little nylon running shorts, but nonetheless has some mysterious draw for me. Maybe it's just a time of life thing -- X Files in the salad days of summer, 20-something years when tv and I rarely crossed paths, something like that. But it's kind of fun to remember, however vague it all is now.

Oh, and if you want to see more of DD, google David Duchovny and "teacup." Not posting it here, even though google thought it was in the top 3 photos I should see when I just googled his name.

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