Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back to School

What your child believes about me, her public school teacher:

I live at school and sleep in the classroom.

What you believe about me, your child's public school teacher:

I leave work at 3:00 p.m.

Your child's version is closer to the truth. So too, for the following misconceptions:

Your child: I buy school supplies for him and his classmates.

You: The school provides tissues, snacks, stickers, prizes, toys, and other classroom items.

Your child: I have the day off every time she does.

You: I am responsible for your child while you work, and am constantly shirking my duties for teacher inservice days.

Your child: In summer, I cease to exist.

You: In summer, I don't work.

Your child: I don't have a husband. Or my husband is the principal. Or the computer teacher.

You: I could own a home and live in Seattle on this salary without a husband.

Your child: I can just bring my baby to school with me after I have it.

You: I will be having a paid maternity leave.

Your child: The teacher's lounge is a magical place filled with candy and doughnuts.

You: We want candy and doughnuts. And ornaments. And jewelry in the shape of an apple.

Your child: I love him more than any other child in his class.

You: Your child is the only one I have to teach.

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