Friday, August 29, 2008


Adelaide and I like to head up the street for a five dollar bowl of Pho on rainy evenings. She likes the soup, but the real draw is the cream puffs. Served first, they might be intended as an appetizer. Or just a sneak preview of good things to come.

I can't go too often, though, because the salt content in one bowl wakes me up in the night needing giant cups of water. So a healthier home version was in order. One part veggie broth
to two parts water, rice noodles, tofu, sauteed shiitakes, green onions, cilantro and jalepeno. A little Bragg aminos (soy sauce would also be fine) and a hit of Judy fu's chile sauce, because I had it. Very quick, and very light and fresh.

1 comment:

Mark Dahl said...

Great idea to make it at home. I think we'll give your recipe a try here.