Sunday, September 25, 2011

Science Fun

Adelaide read a book about crystals and decided she was interested in some of the make your own crystals experiments. Today we did 2 experiments from the book and one of our own.
We decided to keep track of our experiments in a science journal. Adelaide plans to take more photos and keep them in her log.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Biking to school

Adelaide and I biked home last night and left the car at school. This morning we made it here in about an hour. It's a tough uphill ride on the way to school and I'm very proud that my seven year-old is biking five miles on her own. Way to go, Adelaide!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Annette Lake Hike

Despite it being cool and gray, yesterday was a great day for a hike.
Craig at the point in the trail where it crosses the Iron Horse trail. Lots of different options to check out in this area, but we went ahead with the planned hike up to Annette Lake.

Monday, September 12, 2011

First Day of School

Adelaide started second grade this morning. She was up and ready to go an hour before we needed to leave, with her hair done, bag packed and accessories in place.
We picked grapes and harvested potatoes from the garden to give to her new teacher, Ms. Ng. (We also included a Starbucks gift card to round out the healthy snacks.)
Adelaide was excited to see her friends and get started with her day!
She was slightly less excited at my desire to document every step of the way.
The kids got right down to business. Second grade's going to be a piece of cake.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten on the Tenth

7:00 am
8:00 am
10:00 am
11:00 am
12:00 pm
1:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
7:00 pm

Thursday, September 1, 2011

All's Love and War in Fair

Yesterday we rounded out our Mom-Daughter day with an afternoon at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe. It is a nice, traditional, smaller country fair that we have enjoyed together for several years now. We had a nice time walking the fairgrounds, looking at the animals and chatting.
This big guy prompted a review of the facts of life. Apparently there was a sow who was on the brink of having her piglets, but we didn't get to witness the miracle of birth just yet.
This lovely bird won my prize for best hairdo.
Another excellent coif, ala Elvis.
This one and his pen-mate both had some serious dredlocked bangs. Impressive.
I think my favorite animals to watch were the goats. I was unable to get any good shots of the ones head-butting for king of the bency, but this little fellow pretty much summed up the rest of the action (eating and sleeping). He was sound asleep with his head deep in the food bag.
We did our share of eating. Adelaide chose the shaved ice for her treat. I went with the scone.
We managed to avoid some of the nastier items on offer. The general obesity on display was a good deterrent, though I can't say I was tempted by any of these items.

Heybrook Ridge Lookout

Adelaide and I had a mom and daughter day yesterday. Instead of going to camp, she accompanied me on a nice hike near Index on Highway 2, north and east of Seattle. Adelaide has gotten very good at hiking longer and more difficult trails this summer, and it is delightful to spend time in the woods with her.
The lower portion of the trail has wonderful mossy trees and boulders. As you climb you quickly leave the highway noise behind, fortunately.

Adelaide found a walking stick left by a previous hiker. She used it for the ascent, then left it where she had found it for the next lucky climber.

There were some nice diversions along the trail where she could climb and we could explore boulders and caves.

I imagine that there are great views on a clear day from the lookout. We did go up but for us it was just an exercise in deep breathing as the open stairs and sides of the lookout were pretty scary.

Once we were back on solid ground we enjoyed a snack and explored the open area along the ridge.

We got pretty chilly on our descent but all in all it was a nice cool day to go for a hike.