Thursday, August 7, 2008

Please Do Bongs

When I was in high school, we had 4 or 5 foreign exchange students attending every year. One year there was this Russian kid, Igor Katsnelson, who liked to hang out with the stoner crowd. Apparently he was a very polite guy, because when he decided to blend in with the Americans by trying his hand at some graffiti, his spray-painted missive read "PLEASE DO BONGS." This caused no end of hilarity to all those who passed by the garage on which is was painted, and to the rest of us who heard about it second- and third-hand.

On a seemingly un-related note, I will report that my four year-old enjoys making up little songs and rhyming poems. Today while we were waiting for customers at the popsicle stand, she came out with this one:

I am tall
I am strong
I will never do a bong

When I asked her what "bong" meant, she said "something that is not the right way." So bong = wrong. That was satisfying enough for me. I'd like to think it will stick, even though I don't plan on bringing it up for a while yet. I am fairly certain she has never heard the word bong and was just playing around with rhymes.

Then later this afternoon she was in the tub for a soak after her swim, and she was playing with her pump toy, blowing bubbles. She called me in to see, and I felt a photo was warranted:
Now she's asking me about dinner. I guess she's got the munchies.