Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Dear Seattle,

And Minneapolis. And virtually anywhere I've ever driven a car,

I would like to inform you about a very simple tool you can use, while driving, to increase world peace. Wouldn't you like to do that? To decrease road rage, reduce noise pollution from excess honking, and further good will among men and women?

Allow me to introduce, the near-extinct, THANK YOU WAVE. What is it, you ask? Why, a simple lifting of the hand, sometimes accompanied by a smile or head nod. It can be done face-on, or from ahead, utilizing the rear-view mirror. This simple tool has many applications, none of which can be over-used.

Allow me to illustrate by example. I tried to find a photo for you, but the thank-you wave is becoming so elusive, even the almighty Google Image was unable to document it. I did find this (see photo right), however, which was worth a quick look, however off-topic it may be.

Let's take the driver who careened around the corner of the small residential street near my daughter's school this morning, making a left-turn onto a thoroughfare crowded with parked cars. When I stopped and pulled into a parking space to allow you to drive on, despite the fact that I was seconds from exiting that street, it was not for my own sake. I wasn't having a lovely detour involving wrenching the wheel to the side, then having to put the car into reverse, then resuming my drive. No, I was actually doing you a favor. As you zoomed past while I sat and waited, you had the perfect opportunity to acknowledge and thank me, without really any effort on your part. Lifting your hand, with or without looking or smiling at me, you could have said so much. And I would have driven on, glad to have done my part. Instead, I find myself willing you to continue your zooming, directly into the nearest lamppost. I don't want you to be seriously hurt, but if you car was out of commission, that would do. Maybe just a teensy bit hurt, enough to have you arm lifted into a reminder of what a thank-you wave could have done for your karma.

Or how about you, driver, the one who ignores all of the lane closure signs, who drives 60 miles an hour past all the merging cars to the very end of the closed lane, then signals to change into my lane in front of my car? Okay, I must admit, sometimes I try to make it very difficult for you to get in. I gave you a place about a mile ago which you didn't want, and now it's too late. But were I feeling more giving, and were I to let you in, this would be your golden moment. Lift up your hand, however fleetingly, and say "you made room for me." It doesn't hurt, I promise! You won't get carpel tunnel or tennis elbow. You don't even really have to mean it!

I realize that this letter may not reach many. I have no doubt that I will be the recipient of many missed than-you wave opportunities. I suppose my consolation will come in the future, when we no longer have the oil to support our silly car habit. When I offer you my seat on the train and you take it without saying anything, at least I'll be able to kick you in the shins.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought this post was hilarious. I at first expected it to be about the turn signal, a feature which now appears to be vestigial on the majority of vehicles. But the thank-you wave is on the critically endangered list as well. I did however recently receive a thank-you blown kiss from an attractive young woman who I allowed to merge in front of me. That made my entire summer.