Sunday, January 25, 2009

Practicing my Practice

Today at yoga I used a new mantra in an attempt to clear my mind's clutter and get the most out of my time on the mat. I really felt a need to remind myself to be in the moment, to use my time to find release for my muscles and even more for my busy mind. Last night I woke several times in the night and realized I was planning and dreaming about work, t0-do lists, and ideas for some upcoming events in my future. Not a good night's sleep, and not something that I wanted to allow into my yoga practice.

When I reflect on being in the moment, being truly present, I realize that I have a lot of room to grow in this area. Part of it is simply the reality of balancing parenthood, work, domestic life, and pursuits outside of these fundamentals. It isn't realistic to only live in the moment, because life takes planning. And there are benefits to time spent reflecting on the past as well.

But I think it is a worthwhile goal to increase my overall awareness of how much time I spend multi-tasking, and to make conscious choices about when I am choosing that and when I am really depriving myself of the opportunity for a wonderful experience in the moment. I certainly want to be sure that I am not taking advantage of my daughter's ability to entertain herself to the point of not taking time to simply be with her, enjoy her, and give her part of my heart and soul every day.

Because she is very much in the present, as children are naturally. It is our natural state to live in the moment, and we have to learn to think about past and future. Children learn time concepts and how to answer "when" much later than they learn about action, and person, and even reasons. I spend a lot of time with my students and my child helping them gain knowledge from past experience and also make choices based on future outcomes. It is worthwhile and necessary, but I hope I can also step back and learn from what they have to offer: right now.

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