Monday, January 5, 2009

Two Weeks' Notice, Round Two

Dear President Bush,

This letter will serve as my two weeks' notice as a citizen of a country led by you as president and commander in chief. I am pleased to announce that I will be resigning from hearing your voice on my radio. (To be honest, your voice on my radio has greatly increased my listening to previously recorded music rather than news broadcasts in the last few years.) I will be resigning from false rhetoric about "terrah" and its threat to "Uhmerca." I bid farewell to the pockets of defense contractors in which you dwell. (At some point, anyway, when we are done cleaning up after this administration's greed and short-sightedness.)

I resign from "No Child Left Untested." I no longer wish to be employed as a speech and language pathologist by someone who would greatly benefit from my services. I quit tax breaks for the wealthy and the largest loss of jobs for the citizens of the United States in 34 years.

Goodbye to a leader not of the people, or by the people (or the popular vote), or for the people (Katrina?).

Sincerely yours,
for only fourteen more, short days,

Christine A. Dunbar

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