Thursday, January 8, 2009

If the world were filled with yoga teachers

Imagine a world where you went to work and were greeted with a hug and a cup of hot tea. You did some work for which you had prepared, it went well, and you were thanked numerous times and hugged again by everyone present when you left.

I am privileged to be temporarily in this wonderful world. Not only am I getting to do a trade (yoga for speech therapy), but the amount of gratitude and appreciation shown for the work I put in is unprecedented.

What would that world be like if it were happening to everyone? What if the barista who makes your latte in the morning heard you tell her you hug yourself at night knowing how good that coffee will taste tomorrow? (Greenlake PCC, you guys are awesome!) What if the bus driver knew how grateful you were she got up at 4:00 so you could be at class on time? What if your child's teacher knew you thought they were a saint for caring for your child all day long and helping her grow to be the best she can? (Thank you, Tif, and Joe, and Carol, and whole host of others!)

I think I might just try to find out. Because on this end, it feels really good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that's very sweet christine. i think, sometimes, it's just tough doing what you know is right when it's not "popular" choice among most 3 and 4 year olds