Thursday, May 14, 2009

Morning Activity

Adelaide is, and always has been, an early riser. This time of year is particularly challenging for me because she is up with the sun, and that is before 5 a.m., an hour that I believe should only be greeted from the other side, and only when one has been having so much fun that one wanted to stay up until 5 a.m..

This morning I capitulated on the "no getting up before 6" rule (which has really become no getting up before 5:30 of late) because I knew it could possibly buy me a little more sleep. Adelaide has gotten quite good at entertaining herself in the wee hours while I moan softly and hold the pillow over my head. Usually she listens to a book on tape and putters around the living room, but this morning she decided that her stuffed animals all needed leashes. The construction of collars and leashes took almost 2 hours, and with the exception of a few bumps and thumps I got to sleep for most of that time.

Tonight at bedtime, Adelaide reluctantly made her way to her room to put on her pj's, and brought the gang and their leashes along. I had noticed early that baby Rose had a collar and leash but didn't find it particularly troublesome until I saw her being dragged through the house across the floor:I guess it could be worse. It's not like Adelaide's taking them behind her on a bike ride off her back fender or anything . . .


Stacia Weller said...


Liz said...

Um, yeah - a little disturbing!