Sunday, May 17, 2009

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Today I participated in my first "fashion exchange" that a group of moms in the neighborhood have been hosting for a while. The concept is this: bring at least 3 items which are in decent shape, but they don't fit, or you just don't wear them, or whatever. The hosts sort through everything and hang it up in a semi-organized fashion, and then at a set time you come and try things on and take what works for you.

I had read about these going on before, and even thought it would be fun to do with friends (of course, you need friends about the same size as you), but I hadn't ever gotten organized to be a part of it. But this time around I was overdue to go through the closet and weed out the forgotten and ill-fitting items, so I had some incentive to do so.
Turns out, it was great! There were a ton of clothes to choose from, everyone tried things on to be sure that they worked and when they didn't you could turn to someone nearby and say "hey, do you want try this one, I bet it would work for you." I got rid of some perfectly good clothes that will be a better match for someone else, and I left with a bag of spring stuff for myself. No cash or credit required. Now that is a good way to shop!

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