Sunday, March 1, 2009

Young Love

Adelaide has recently been talking about how much she loves one of her preschool teachers, Rachel. At first, I must admit, I wasn't even certain which teacher it was, as she was not a teacher who I crossed paths with much on drop-off or pick-up. But when it became clear that Adelaide's attachment was very strong, I made an effort to connect with the teacher and let her know she has a big fan.Love turned to near-obsession a few weeks ago, when Adelaide decided that she wanted Rachel to babysit. I am not sure how the idea got started, but it was determined that babysitting was a possibility. No specifics were nailed down at that point, just a general agreement: we wanted to have her babysit, and she was willing.

That was when things got over the top. The questioning became incessant: Was Rachel REALLY going to babysit, WHEN was Rachel going to babysit, can Rachel come babysit TODAY!?, etc. I tried to reassure and explain, yes, she would babysit, no, not today, we had to talk and find a time, etc. The conversations about Rachel happened every day, sometimes 10 or 20 times in a day.

Next we got the news that Rachel was going to be leaving Adelaide's school to take a course herself, and was going to be back but only as a substitute. Now I felt more motivated to have a solid date on the calendar, to reduce the endless questioning and also to ensure that we got a connection established at home prior to Rachel being gone from the school. I feel certain that Adelaide will still enjoy school and her other teachers, but I don't want her to feel she won't be able to see her favorite teacher in the future.

Along with the endless questions about Rachel, there have been many statements of love, both verbal and in art creations. First it was Valentine cards, then "Happy Last Day"notes, then books, stickers, sculptures, jewelry and cards, all created with intensity and delivered to Rachel at school. This past Wednesday was our last opportunity to deliver the items, so now they are piling up in various places around the house. I returned home this morning to find this shrine on the chair near Adelaide's art table:Inside the envelope are several cards and gifts created earlier this week. It is decorated and wrapped with the necklace and bracelet created yesterday and today. The list was compiled by me as a strategy to not leave every toy and item out (Adelaide wanted to leave them out to remember that she wants to do them with Rachel). Writing by me, underlining by Adelaide. It had its origins here:(the text reads do dw wif Rachel, translation 'do this with Rachel').

Adelaide has found some really creative ways to verbally demonstrate her love for Rachel as well. Firstly, she has determined that age difference and gender issues aside, she intends to marry Rachel when she grows up. Secondly, my many flaws are pointed out to me in the context of how Rachel does not have them. These range from my parenting choices to physical features (apparently, I am "big" while Rachel is "thin," for example.). Yesterday Adelaide told me, "Mom, when I grow up, I'm going to write a book. And I'm going to dedicate it. To Rachel."

Of all the things my child could be obsessed with, I am certainly glad it is a teacher. I am fairly certain that as I get to know Rachel better, I will find her to be a wonderful person, as Adelaide has good taste and judges people based on their best qualities, kindness, and treatment of her and others. For now, though, I'd better get busy re-stocking the art supplies. I expect there will be a frenzy of production before and after the big day, "Rachel Babysits Day."

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