Sunday, July 18, 2010

Viking Fest

Late this morning, motivated by the idea of Swedish Pancake breakfast, we hopped on Speedy (the tandem) and rode to the Nordic Heritage Museum for Viking Fest. We had the good fortune to run into friends, so the kids played on the playground and the adults chatted and caught up. On the way to the playground, Adelaide and I spotted these being cooked:
This was not the pancake breakfast but a Danish treat called Abelskiver, which basically was like a pancake, only served as a giant dough ball rather than a flat cake. We decided it was actually lunchtime, so we had some salmonburgers, and then it was time for dessert.

The score, Adelaide 2, Christine 1. It could have been a blowout if someone had had her way, but I decided that if we had to make it back up and over Phinney Ridge, we'd better not have 3 doughballs riding along on the backseat of Speedy.
The verdict: delicious.

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