Thursday, July 8, 2010

Art to Soothe the Sunburned Beast

It's that time of year again. You know, the one where we were complaining here in Seattle for months on end, about how summer was not coming, when would this godforsaken rain stop, why do we never see the sun, you know the drill. And then, finally, miraculously, summer was upon us! Sunshine! Warm air! Open-toed shoes!

That was yesterday. Today, we have a new complaint. Hot! Crowded! Bright! Sunburned!

Sigh. We have such a narrow band of weather we can simply enjoy without complaint in this town. Or at least it seems that way. But if you're like me, and you cannot really cope with another day at your local fecal coliform wading pool, consider a respite in the soothing world of art. I write about it here, on Juice in the City. Click the link to read my blurb, or click on the sidebar widget for their site.

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