Friday, July 30, 2010

Random Sightings

I am editing photos from my recent travels (to San Francisco and Miami) and will post those at a later date, but in the meantime here are a few recent sightings around town.

Walking Greenlake yesterday, I was passed by a group of roller derby women. Unfortunately, they passed me at whip speed so you'll have to use your imagination for that picture.

At the edge of Golden Gate Park, where the new Wednesday farmer's market sets up, I spotted this:In retrospect, it makes perfect sense in a hilly city to have a designated area to take kids to practice. Certainly beats trying to navigate the crowds on the path at Greenlake.

Today, walking home from lunch at the Sunlight, I was graced by the passing of this delight:Didn't seem like they were open for business, which is too bad, because I would have liked the King to read my palm and tell me what's in store for me.

In the airport in Fort Lauderdale, I spotted this gem, which turned out to be typical of Virgin America, actually using humor to make the passengers pay attention to the otherwise tedious and redundant warnings and rules:Watching their pre-flight video may be the only time I ever paid attention to the entire aircraft safety warning, with the exception of my experience on Yugoslav Airlines in 1988 when the scary Eastern block stewardesses used verbal and physical intimidation to gain full compliance from the trembling passengers.

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