Thursday, September 18, 2008

Goodnight Sun

I have been trying in vain to find a picture of the sunset yesterday which I was lucky enough to see as I headed home after yoga. The sun was an amazing red, and in the exact right place on the horizon to appear much, much larger than usual. This was just like those rare full moons when the sky is clear and the moon is low and wide, but I can't ever recall seeing the sun look like this. It was hard to keep from staring at it, though I'm glad I managed as I would likely still being seeing the sun look like that, and the recollection would not be as pleasant.

By the time I was home, the sun had sunk below Phinney Ridge and was out of sight, too late to grab the camera. I'm afraid after today's chilly gray weather it may have been giving us a last gasp, not to be seen again until February, when we have our typical week or so of false summer. But this morning I was pretty happy to have a second cup of coffee, pull on the warm pj bottoms and slow down for at least a little while. I think I was mostly thrilled at sleeping until the luxurious hour of 6:00 a.m., and excited at the prospect that winter might bring a slightly more sane wake-up time for my four year old. Now if I can just get the cats on Tylenol P.M. or something, I will be in great shape.

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