Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Jesus and the Fishes

Managed to turn a bedtime question about Jesus (too many uncensored Christmas carols lately, I guess!) into a quick review of evolution, which we have covered several times before.

Went something like this:

A: Mom, is Jesus the son of God?

C: That's what some people believe. But that is made up.

A: Sometimes I ask God questions.

C: It's okay to ask questions.

A: Like I ask, "why aren't turkeys purple?"

C: Well, if people asked questions and did science, they'd get a lot more answers than asking God questions. Because God doesn't ever answer anyone's questions, but science does.

A: Can science answer my question?

C: Sure, it already has. We know turkeys are the color they are because of evolution.

A: What is evolution?

C: Remember when we talked about how life on Earth started in the water, and was really simple, and then creatures got more complicated, and eventually they became land creatures?

A: Oh, yeah.

C: And before there were humans, there were apes that got more complicated and eventually became humans?

A: Yes.

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