Wednesday, May 26, 2010

She Blinded Me with Science

Okay, fellow Kindergarten parents, spoiler alert: my 6 year-old knows where babies come from. There have been many conversations over the years, mostly in the car, and no question asked went unanswered. Additional details were not necessarily added, but it's always been the facts, plain language, and an open dialogue kind of approach. I have on several occasions informed Adelaide that other kids do not necessarily possess these facts and she is by no means to be the one to enlighten them, but it's not exactly something over which I have any real say.

Well, now the Kindergarten class is studying "Animals Two by Two," a science kit that includes lots of live creatures, and the kids are choosing an animal to study and asking questions to learn about research. Adelaide chose dragonflies for her subject matter. After school yesterday she told me that they had had their opportunity to post their initial questions, and she revealed her question to be the following: "How do dragonflies mate?"

Watch out, everyone.

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