Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day began at the crack of dawn around here, after many weeks of excited preparation on the part of the gift-giver. The honoree accepted her gifts with as much grace as she could muster (though she insisted on a pause after the first 3 gifts in order to make coffee). It was a good thing we started so early, because the gifts just kept coming and coming! Between her efforts at home, at school, at daycare with with her Dad's help, Adelaide created 12 different items for my enjoyment. They were all wonderful, especially the drawings and cards expressing much love. Here are a few faves:

This top secret item (below) was created at school and filled with other things created at school, including several cards and pictures, a cute little paper tea kettle, and Adelaide's shadow silhouette. You can see some of them in the big montage photo at the end of the post.
My hands-down favorite was this one, partly because it was a huge effort on her part (she cut the cardboard from the tandem box and it was a difficult and time-consuming project, which required total secrecy and privacy), but mainly because I told her what I loved most in the world was her, and so she gave that to me (note the label above the crown):

She gave me a lovely morning, too, with a dance party in the living room, a tandem ride, a picnic on the porch, and lots of hugs and laughter. I am so lucky. Not only did I get a great mother's day, I can give one to my mom and grandma just by posting these pictures to share. After all, they love me, but I am not cute or interesting in the slightest when compared with the granddaughter. Exactly as it should be. So, Happy Mother's Day to Paige and Big Adelaide!

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