Monday, July 13, 2009

Top Ten Excuses for Not Posting to Blog

I realize that my July posts are lacking, so I took a few minutes this morning to try to figure out why. Here are the top ten reasons I have not posted much of late:

10. I have too much free time. How is this an excuse, you say? Well, I actually have time to read and pursue other interests at the moment, which apparently is confusing to my system and dulling my impulses to write.

9. I don't have to go to work. Again, this would seem like a reason I should blog more, not less, but sometimes writing happens in a little space in the back of my mind while the front of my mind is busy with other tasks. At work I can get the kernel of an idea percolating (or some other mixed metaphor) and by the time I am finally free in the evening I have the inspiration to draft it out.

8. My kid demands my attention. Okay, this is true all of the time, but this feels like an intense time in parent world -- the drawing to a close of preschool, the drama of five year-old friends, the excitement of reading and writing emerging, and the constant challenging of boundaries. I have had several parenting related posts brewing (tie this in to previous mixed metaphor) but things are changing so quickly I can't keep up.

7. I have taken on work outside of my job for some reason which I have forgotten. I can't remember why I thought I should try to generate some work outside of my work, but I have succeeded in doing so. Um, hooray? I have some work to do now?

6. My cat ate my blog post. No explanation required.

5. Speaking of eating, it's too hot to cook. Given that a big percentage of my posts are inspired by yummy meals, and of late I have been chopping veggies and eating dips and crackers for most meals, I am a little low on material. I posted about the veggie and dips meal already, and that was weak the first time around.

4. Speaking of hot, you can't really compute outdoors. Though I have tried, on occasion, with towels or other sunlight-blocking arrangements. Usually by the time I work out being able to see the screen I'm too hot to stay out anyway.

3. You also can't compute at the gym. Or the yoga studio. Okay, not to brag, but I've been a total fanatic about working out this summer. I was before, too, but having a couple of days a week to myself is allowing me to go over the top with going to classes, walking everywhere, and generally upping the ante on staying fit. Makes for lots of endorphins but no creative energy.

2. Netflix. This service is simply too good. I cannot avoid excellent viewing arriving in my mailbox or on demand on my computer screen.

1. High Standards. You may beg to differ, if you are a regular reader of this blog, but I do think better to post nothing than to post boring. So, given items 2 through 10, I would rather wait for inspiration, time, and quality than present a higher quantity of drivel. My drivel needs to be my best drivel.

1 comment:

Mark Dahl said...

Here's something for your Netflix Queue for August!