Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Heat Wave

We've been experiencing record heat in Seattle, and in particular in my house. I employ a system of opening and closing doors and windows to maximize airflow but minimize sun and outdoor heat making its way inside, but this is additionally complicated by the lack of screens and lack of judgment on the part of the cat. (As in leaping from second story windows, getting outside but then getting scared and hiding somewhere outdoors for days on end, etc.)

Today Iris must have escaped while I was hanging laundry outside or squeezed through a barely open window. She can't have been out for more than an hour, but in this heat with her black fur she was in desperate shape when she returned. I heard a scraping sound at the back door and opened it to find her clawing desperately to get in. She was breathing rapidly and her little tongue was out and curled to make a tube.

I think she's feeling a bit better now,though she will probably stay passed out for quite a while. I'm hoping this will help her be less inclined to make escape attempts in the future.

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