Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Airport Security

Part of tonight's dinner conversation, apropos of nothing:

A: Mom, remember that part at the airport where they spray you?

Me: Spray you?

A: Yeah, where they spray you to see if you need to take a shower?

Me: I'm not sure what you mean, honey. Spray you with what?

A: I don't know.

Me: Does it look kind of like a wand?

A: No.

Me: Do you get wet?

A: Um, kind of, not really.

Me: Do you have to take off your shoes first?

A: Yes, you take of your shoes and put your stuff on that thing to see if it has metal in it. And then you walk through that thing and they spray you.

Me: To see if you need a shower?

A: Yes.

Me: Oh, okay, I know what you're talking about.

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