Thursday, February 12, 2009

When Google Speaks

So, this wasn't an original idea, but I typed in the following 12 phrases and here are my google search results:

1. Christine needs to know where her inventory is at all times.

2. Christine looks like she could kick my ass.

3. Christine hates this new format.

4. Christine goes low carb for Health, Promptly Drops 6 Dress Sizes in A Month

5. Christine loves dorky Erik.

6. Christine eats her cake with chop stix [sic].

7. Christine has broken the curse of Seinfeld

8. Christine works as a dedicated twenty-something coach in Los Angelos

9. Christine lives in the "land of the pathetic."

10. Christine died in Vienna.

11. Christine will see you now.

12. Christine is Introduced to the Boy Police Say is Her Son at the Train Station.

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