Wednesday, December 17, 2008

sNOw Day

School Superintendent's Checklist for School Closure due to Inclement Weather

Schools Shall be Closed in the Event of the Following:

* Snow accumulation of 1 - 2 inches, visible on bumper of Superintendent's SUV parked in driveway.

Exception: School shall not be closed if lots of parents have called and complained last year about too many school closures. Must keep parent satisfaction numbers high enough to have levy passed.

Ice on front steps of Superintendent's home, noted when Superintendent checks for the newspaper at 4:00 a.m., only to be disappointed that it has not yet been delivered.

Exception: In the event that the paper is early, Superintendent shall declare schools open and on time, as sufficient reading time is available.

Road conditions too dangerous for school busses, including black ice, fallen trees, and unplowed snow.

Exception: In the event of a birthday among administrative offices staff, school will have a 1.5 hour late start to allow for pick-up of the Costco cake and on-time party.

Weather Forecast includes the possibility of snow. Or sun. Or anything sort of unusual or interesting.

Exception: Superintendent doesn't feel like getting up at 4:00 to start calling people about closing school. She can just call in sick later.

Other districts are closing.

Exception: Superintendent laid out her "I am a rebel" pantsuit the night before, and doesn't feel like picking out a different outfit.

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