Friday, October 17, 2008

Adelaide's Day with her Mom (Title by Adelaide)

Adelaide did not get enough sleep for the first few nights this week. Which meant that our first day home together, yesterday, was a series of negotiations, name-calling and diversions intended to distract a crabby 4 year-old from her own grumpiness. The end result was a day of parenting that I am actually quite proud of. We talked through how to express frustration, how to identify feelings and use words to inform others of them, and how to move on when things don't go your way. By the end of the day, Adelaide was telling me that she was disappointed about not going out to Pho for dinner, rather than telling me she will never eat Pho that I cook and she hates it (well, she did say that first, but was able to revise).We had our first longer bike ride together (the picture is from our test ride Sunday), in the rain and up some hills, and it was a success. Hard pedaling for me but Adelaide just needs another half inch or so until she can pedal too. We went to run some errands and Adelaide picked out a lovely matching set of jewelry for her and Princess Presto (who also came along for the bike ride).
All in all it was a good day, and I continue to discover areas for self-improvement via the things I am trying to teach my daughter. Wouldn't it be great if I could verbalize calmly about my feelings of anger and frustration, resolve my conflicts with others, and move on happily.

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