Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Wee Bit o' Glod

Adelaide spends one morning a week before school in the school office while I am in a meeting. We bring paper and markers and whatever other supplies she needs to entertain herself. This morning she had a half container left over from her hot bar breakfast last Friday, which she had plans to make into a "leprechaun trap." Not really sure where the idea came from, but when I emerged from the 45 minute meeting it was fully formed and executed. It includes "gold" temptations as bait, a lovely bit of decoration on the inside to tempt a leprechaun who might not be into cash but can't resist a good bit of interior decorating, and a verbal lure in the form of a rule to be broken ("do not take this glod.")Chances are good there will be some foul play in the living room tonight.

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