Sunday, February 14, 2010

Huevos Rancheros, re-worked

Today during yoga when I was supposed to be focusing on my breathing, I was dreaming of brunch. My dreams involved a big plate of huevos rancheros, Sunlight style -- spicy enchilada sauce, chewy cheddar cheese, creamy black beans . . . delicious. But the sad, wilting red peppers in my vegetable drawer called out to me, telling me that if I were simply to give them a little massage with olive oil and put them in a nice warm oven, they would be happy to make me a delicious enchilada sauce that would serve me for this meal and many more.

During my walk home, the roasted yams and sweet potatoes I made yesterday spoke up. "We'd be such a sweet contrast to a spicy sauce, don't you think?" While reaching for the peppers I saw the hunk of red cabbage which had yet to be roasted, so I grabbed it too, thinking I'd just chop it up and roast it for a later meal. After the onions and peppers came out of the oven and joined the tomatoes, garlic and onions on the stovetop, the cabbage went for a turn on the cookie tray. But as it roasted, it filled the kitchen with a smell so sweet I really thought it could have been cookies in the oven. So, the can of black beans went back on the shelf to make room for the sweet cabbage on the plate.All in all, a very satisfying meal, and one that will actually allow me to head out into the garden now instead of putting me in a food coma like the restaurant bruch would have. Though I might have to go have seconds first . . .

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