Sunday, January 17, 2010

Glory be to the Bean

I love coffee. Sometimes, lying in bed at night, I think about how morning will be soon, and I can have a cup. Many a pre-dawn morning I stumble out into the bright light (turned on by my morning-person child) and the only thing making it remotely possible are the beans waiting for me in the kitchen.

This morning, as I was making my second cup, I bumped the radio with the kettle, and a light came on. I had forgotten that the radio had a light, and I think it might have been broken, but this morning, like a little miracle, it shone.

I turned off the overhead light and turned to leave the room, but then I saw this:Everything in the room was dark, but the little miracle light cast a glow over the items needed to create coffee. It's pretty much the kind of lighting I would prefer in the dark morning, no harsh overheads, merely an inviting little halo reminding me that salvation is available in the kitchen.

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