Saturday, January 9, 2010

Before, During and After

Okay, so I'll stop posting home improvement soon, I promise, because I know how dull it is and I don't want to scare away my 1.5 readers. But Alec suggested a before and after (I think he used the colorful descriptors "Superfund Site" and "MarthaCart Site" so this one's for him. I'm also posting a few "during" shots because the un-remodel included every cabinet and drawer. Yes, I am insane. But once you start, you find how dirty everything has become and how many take-out chopstick packs you were hoarding for god-knows-what reason.
The contents of two cupboards strewn about, the garbage and recycling overflowing and the sink full of soaking jars and bottles.
Iris eyeing the shelf-stable foods (and the camera catching only her eyes).

Two of the many cupboards which are no longer dirty, crammed full or disorganized. Ahhhhh.

And, finally, the shocking before and after that had everyone on the block desperate to re-do their kitchen via internet shopping, scrub brush and anti-viral wipes:


Anonymous said...

holy, holy, holy, amazing work!! You'll have us all wanting to move in (reorganizing our own kitchens would be too overwhelming). - Laura

Unknown said...

Looks fantastic!!! Let me know when I can come over for a tour:)Gotta see you in person not just via FB and your blog.

Michelle @ One of a Kind Wisconsin said...

Just blog hopping about... good job on the home improvements. I have a lot to do on my old house from 1925. BTW- I love the header picture, that is so cute.

Christine said...

Thanks, all. Michelle, that's about the age of this house, too. Always a project!