Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Phases of Facebook

1) Facebook? Never heard of it.

2) Oh, Facebook. Yeah, I'm too old for that.

3) Really? She's on Facebook? He's inviting me too? Okay, let me see what this is.

4) I guess I could just check it out. Looks kind of fun.

5) Hmm, who do I know on here . . .

6) Not really very many people, I'm too old for this.

7) Woah, there are tons of people I know on here!

8) How in the heck does anyone have 523 friends? I don't think I know 523 people by name.

9) Ooh, I've been Superpoked!

10) Why is my vision blurry? I feel so hungry. . . oh, I've been on Facebook for 4 hours. Hmm.

11) You gotta do Facebook, you're going to like it. No, you're not too old.

12) I can't believe he's never heard of Facebook.

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