Friday, October 15, 2010

Party On, Excellent

It's been a most excellent week for the first graders in room 10/13. On Monday it was a SeaHawks Birthday Surprise celebration for a teacher who reached the 50 yard-line, complete with Seahawks hats and football drills in the gym.

Wednesday was "Room 10/13 Day," celebrating blending. Adelaide's class of general ed first graders spend a portion of their day together with special education peers who have a self-contained classroom which adjoins their class. Parents were invited to come and check out the activities the classes do together, including calendar, a group craft project, and blended music and PE. This special day also included headgear.Today, Friday, was a Mad-Hatter tea party for another milestone teacher birthday (names and numbers omitted to protect the innocent). The teachers executed a quick change mid-morning from normal clothes to become Alice in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts, Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum, and other assorted Mad-Hatters, while the students donned their own Mad-Hatter hats. "Tea" was served in real china cups which went home with the students for party favors, and scones and fruit were enjoyed by all.

In a time where the number of required assessments, the level of academic standards, and student achievement are all increasing rapidly, it is wonderful to have a school where the arts, social connections, and having FUN are so valued. I believe that our students achieve here not only because of the dedication of teachers to expect academic success from everyone and make accommodations for that success, but also because we celebrate and value the kids beyond their reading, writing, and math triumphs. There are many ways kids can succeed and feel good about themselves, and if they have fun at school, they just might find themselves learning along the way.

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