Friday, June 11, 2010

Great Philosophers exchange ideas, or "The Other Nietzsche Family Circus."

"Mommy, if you don't wanna bake a cake, I'd be OK with a pie instead." . . . "This window's lettin' the outdoors in!". . . "A hug is like a boomerang - you get it back right away." . . ."I'm so mad at Billy, but I can't 'member why!" . . ."Daddy, don't they make a BRIEFER case than this?". . . "They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything.". . . "I drew this guy but he's too tall for my paper.". . . . “Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.”. . ."You're never too old to learn. I guess that's why Grandma knows so many things.". . . "What else did I do that was funny when I was little?". . . "Dyeing eggs isn't the same as killing them, is it, Daddy?" . . . "I'm a lot better at skatin' when I stay on the grass." . . ."Clean my room? . . . But I'm not done getting it dirty." . . ."Mommy, how did Daddy get little?" . . ."Mommy's spelling things on the phone 'cause Barfy's listening." . . ."I just figured out I'm unemployed." . . ."Do I hafta wear shoes with this skirt?" . . . "Who threw sunflower seeds all over this floor?" "Not me!" . . . "Daddy, will you move the sun, please?" . . . "Can you do anything with scenery besides look at it?" . . . "I'm ready if anybody wants to break something." . . . "Grandma, I'll keep it a secret if you want to tell me I'm your favorite." . . . "Why do I have to keep writin' in these K's when they don't make any noise anyway?" . . . "In a couple weeks that caterpillar's gonna get promoted to a butterfly." . . . "it's okay, Mommy. I didn't spill ALL my grape juice." . . . "Cameras shrink us so Grandma can carry us around in her wallet." . . . "Daddy, are you feelin' under the weather or over the weather?" . . . "My left leg weights 'zactly the same as my right leg." . . . "I was just yawning 'cause PJ did it first." . . . "I'd make a good teacher, Mommy. I just taught PJ his alphabet up to C, 'cept sometimes he forgets B." . . . "i'm sorry. I think my fingers got away from me." . . . "it's too close to dinner for a cookie." "Can't dinner be later?". . . "I don't know if I'm rarin' to go, 'cause I don't know what 'rarin means." . . . "Why's it called that? It doesn't have any ticks, tacks, or toes!" . . . "How many one-of-a-kinds are there?" . . . "We're makin' mother's day cards at school! But we're not to tell a soul, 'cause it's a secret." . . . "No, how 'bout we play Hide-and-DON'T-Seek." . . . "I left my shirt untucked so I don't need a napkin." . . . "No way did I do it. I can draw a lot better than that." . .

All quotes copyright Bill Keane. Don't try to take credit, Nietzsche!


Unknown said...

Why is there no way to monetize these fabulous ideas? It's like my friend's daughter's idea to have a Darth Vader "Word of the Month" calendar. So funny, and yet only about ten people would buy it. But they'd be such happy, happy people. -Sarah S.

Christine said...

I consider it karma - one must give what one can to the world. And the the world (or the world wide web) gives back.