Friday, August 21, 2009

A tribute to Wisconsin

I must be missing Milwaukee as I have not been able to get Beans & Barley's tempeh reuben out of my head. I know, it doesn't really sound like something one would crave when not pregnant, but I guess you can take the girl out of the Midwest, but you can't take the Midwest out of the girl.
I was hard-pressed to find Thousand Island dressing (and had I been able to, can't say as it would get used ever again) so I had to improvise with some vegan mayo and pickles, but other than that it was an easy stop at the PCC for supplies, a quick fry-up/toast-up and a lovely dinner. Hope you want to come by and have one soon, as I now have a 2-lb jar of organic sauerkraut taking up space in the frig!

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