Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Think Pink

Time for a true confession. I love a tv show that some people might have a hard time understanding the beauty of. This tv show will be airing later tonight (it's already over for my lucky friends on the east coast, who also love this show, and who shall remain nameless). Tonight is the big finale, so this true confession comes too late to convert anyone to watching this show. Except perhaps if it returns for another season, which I so hope it does.

The thing is, while it might be kind of cheesy reality programming, while it might seem like pure voyeuristic crap, it's really inspirational. It's about people recognizing that they have a serious problem, and taking difficult steps to overcome their issue and improve their lives. It's a problem which more and more Americans have, and more and more children in America have.

So, I love "Biggest Loser," and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Well, maybe a little ashamed, but check these people out.
They weren't too ashamed to admit that things had gotten out of hand, and they weren't too proud to admit they needed to learn about how to eat and how to exercise, and they weren't too embarrassed about how bad things had gotten to step on a giant scale on national tv with very little covering their obese bodies. And now, they look like this:

That just kicks some serious booty. Because it's not just about how they look, it's about them taking responsibility and action to make themselves healthier and happier. And if people watching get up off the couch and throw away their Big Gulps and Aisan Rollers because they see that they too might be able to change things for the better, then I say more power to them. I hope the show is popular and starts a trend of similar self-improvement programming to balance out some of the other things being billed as entertainment on the airwaves. Let's see, how about a show where people learn how to reduce their carbon footprint? Or how to treat people around them with compassion and open-mindedness? Seems to me we could all use a little inspiration delivered in an entertaining, easy to absorb package.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I don't get to watch this show often, but when I do I'm in awe of the way people can transform their entire being. (Mind, body and soul.) Amazing!