Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My thoughts exactly

The other day, I was sitting in traffic. Or rather, I was drowning in traffic, in my little car, surrounded by a sea of giant SUV's. When I saw the logo of the behemoth in front of me, I did a double take -- the letters had been re-arranged. I would love to know the story behind it, because it seems to be that there is no way anyone who would drive this vehicle would be intentionally sending this new message, but had they just not noticed? Are Eco-bandits out there with screwdrivers and superglue? Where to I sign up?

The new logo looked like this:

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That is awe.some.

And, yes, I want to know the story behind it, now. Because, as you said, the person sending that message wouldn't be very likely to be driving that vehicle, yet... ?? I love it.