Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Bedtime Conversation

A: Mom, what does "melodramatic" mean?

C: It means overly dramatic.

A: What does "overly dramatic mean?"

C: Oh, someone who is melodramatic might make a big deal out of a little thing. Like get really emotional, or talk like this (proceeds to use a melodramatic voice to demonstrate).

A: Okay, thanks. It was in one of my books and I was wondering what it meant.

C: You're welcome.

Self-congratulatory parenting moment: I did not use the very handy example of this morning, when Adelaide's blouse was not looking the way she wanted it to, and she spent 45 minutes crying, complaining, declaring it to be a terrible day, and generally making life miserable for both of us. I will leave her to do her own thinking on that one.

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