Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Fair

We had a chance to head to the fair over Labor Day weekend with our friends. We stayed away from most of the fair food (unlike Wisconsin, there was not a great deal of deep-fried foods on a stick), which sounds like it was a good choice based on 2 other families' reports of post-fair illness, but nonetheless a good time was had by all.Getting there was fun, too!
Lots of baby animals were in the petting area. The girls chased them around and made friends.
Scheming how to catch the geese? Not sure.
The ferris wheel was a big hit. Cotton candy was an even bigger hit, but I couldn't bear to photograph the kids eating blue insulation, so it will have to remain undocumented.

I think my favorite part was the pig races. Or maybe just the generally happy kids enjoying a variety of experiences they don't normally get to have.

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